Unicorn Recruitment

Unearthing the Ultimate Unicorn for Your Small Business: A Master of All Trades

Let us help you fill your unicorn recruitment needs.

Book a quick 20 minute call to discover how we’re different.

Are you looking for the perfect unicorn?

Our adept team excels at discovering that one-of-a-kind ‘unicorn’ your company craves – a versatile virtuoso who thrives in any role and conquers every challenge with remarkable tenacity and finesse.

Unicorns may not fit neatly into standard ops or finance roles, but their business and financial acumen will add fuel to your business’ growth.

Tapping into our deep-rooted recruitment expertise supporting small businesses, start-ups, and scale-ups, we’re ready to help you pinpoint the ultimate unicorn.

Which type of unicorn are you recruiting?

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Image By: Simon Migaj
Your First Unicorn
Salary Range - £25,000 - £55,000
Usually this is the Founder Associate who is there to help support the business owner with everything from Google Sheets, to sales forecasts to VC research and decks, to customer success calls.
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Image By: rawpixel.com
Leadership Unicorn
Salary Range - £35,000 - £85,000

If you’re ready to step back and ensure you’re working on, and not in the business, a leadership unicorn is who you need to make this leap a success. They can sell, mentor, write copy that generates leads, sort out the logistics, send invoices and represent you at networking, all in one day.

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Image by: Bethany Legg
Not-Sure but it’s a Unicorn
Salary Range - £Unsure…

If you are expanding to add your first employee after using remote freelancers, now is the time to think about the elusive unicorn hire. They will usually take on the bits of your role you don’t want to do, and they can do better than you in those accountabilities. They’re a profit centre for you within three months max!

The type of unicorn candidates we can help you find

Group 113

Founder Associate

Group 115

Sales and Marketing Lead

Group 118

Customer Success

Group 122

Finance and Sales Manager

Group 124

Logistics and Finance Admin

Group 127

Finance and Ops Manager

Group 130

Ops Manager

Group 136

Ops and Sales Admin

Ready to transform your business into a well-oiled machine with the hire of a unicorn or two? Seize the day, and call the YPP team for a chat to kickstart your hiring today.

Book a quick 20 minute call to discover how we’re different.

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