Crafting an Effective Finance and Accounting Job Advert: Tips and Tricks

Crafting an Effective Finance and Accounting Job Advert: Tips and Tricks


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Attracting the right talent for finance and accounting positions in your company is critical for maintaining accurate and robust financial management. An effective job post helps you stand out in the competitive job market, capturing the attention of high-quality candidates and saving you time in the recruitment process. With Your People Partners as your trusted recruitment partner, we’re here to help you master the art of crafting compelling finance and accounting job posts.

In this engaging and insightful article, we will explore and discuss:

1. Key considerations for writing an effective finance and accounting job advert

2. The importance of clear expectations and requirements

3. Strategies for showcasing company culture and benefits

4. Creating a strong call to action (CTA) that encourages applications from top talent

Elevate your recruitment game with tested and proven tips, and learn how to create finance and accounting job posts that effectively resonate with top-tier candidates and drive successful hiring outcomes.

Part 1: Key Considerations for Writing an Effective Finance and Accounting Job Advert

To craft a compelling finance and accounting job advert, consider the following important aspects:

1. Job title and description: Create a clear, concise, and specific job title that accurately reflects the role. Follow this with a brief and engaging job description that outlines the primary responsibilities and objectives of the position. Try not to use ‘superstar’ or ‘guru’ in your advert, as not many people will look for those job titles. Plus this tends to lead to a less diverse cohort of applicants.

2. Structured layout: Ask questions at the top of your advert. Get your ideal candidate nodding their head so as they read on. Engaging job adverts make the candidate do something… want to apply for your job. Organise the job post into easily readable sections with headings and bullet points, ensuring that crucial details can be quickly understood by prospective candidates.

3. Keyword optimisation: Use relevant keywords related to finance and accounting roles, such as “management accountant” or “bookkeeper,” to improve search engine visibility and attract candidates looking for those specific positions. Do not stuff your advert full of keywords, though. Most job boards like the job title to appear only five times at the very most!

4. Proofreading and accuracy: Ensure that your job post is free from grammatical errors and factual inaccuracies. A well-written and accurate job post demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail.

Part 2: Clearly Defining Expectations and Requirements

A successful job advert gives candidates a transparent understanding of the expectations and requirements of the role. To achieve this, be sure to include:

1. Essential skills and qualifications: Clearly list the required skills and qualifications, such as relevant certifications (e.g., ACCA, CIMA), technical proficiency (e.g., accounting software expertise), and experience in specific areas (e.g., tax planning, budgeting).

2. Job-specific accountabilities: Outline the specific responsibilities and tasks the candidate will undertake – for example, monthly financial reporting, cash flow management, or financial forecasting.

3. Performance expectations: Set clear expectations around the desired outcomes and performance metrics for the role, such as improving cost-efficiency, reducing financial risk, or enhancing profitability.

4. Required soft skills: I usually think this is the most important part of the job advert. Highlight the importance of soft skills. Their attention to detail, analytical thinking, and communication skills. Do they need to be able to work well remotely? Say so in the advert.

Part 3: Showcasing Company Culture and Benefits

To attract top talent, your finance and accounting job post should showcase your company culture and benefits. This becomes particularly important for small to medium-sized businesses looking to compete against larger companies. Consider including:

1. Your company’s values and mission: Share your company’s values, vision, and mission to demonstrate alignment between the candidate’s personal values and those of the business.

2. Growth opportunities: Highlight opportunities for personal and professional growth within your company, such as career advancement, skills development, and potential for increased responsibilities.

3. Employee benefits and perks: Showcase the unique benefits and perks your company offers potential candidates, such as flexible work arrangements, health insurance, or bonus schemes. If you’re not sure if you’re competitive with your benefits, speak to our team at Your People Partners, as we can introduce you to awesome companies that provide cost-effective employee benefits for small businesses.

4. Testimonials and success stories: Include testimonials and success stories from current employees in similar roles to give candidates a better understanding of their potential experience with your business.

Part 4: Creating a Strong Call to Action

After establishing the key details and showcasing your company, it’s crucial to encourage potential candidates to apply for the position. Crafting a strong call to action (CTA) is an important part of this process:

1. Create a sense of urgency: Encourage candidates to submit their applications promptly by setting clear deadlines or emphasising the competitive nature of the role.

2. Simplify the application process: Make it easy for candidates to apply by outlining a clear and straightforward application process, with links to relevant forms or the option to submit a CV and cover letter via email.

3. Provide contact information: Offer a direct point of contact for queries or additional information related to the role, demonstrating your company’s openness and approachability.

4. Reinforce and be proud of your company culture: Reiterate your company’s values and unique selling points within your CTA, prompting candidates to envision themselves as part of your team.

Part 5: Leveraging Social Media and Networking for Maximum Reach

To ensure that your job post reaches the most appropriate audience, utilise social media platforms and networking opportunities:

1. Social media sharing: Post your finance and accounting job on social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook, and encourage your team to share the post with their professional connections.

2. Industry-specific job boards: Leverage niche job boards that target finance and accounting professionals to ensure your post is seen by relevant candidates. Speak to us here at Your People Partners for reduced rates and cost-effective job advert campaigns.

3. Networking events and industry forums: Take advantage of finance and accounting networking events, trade shows, and industry conferences to spread the word about your job opening.

4. Referrals and recommendations: Incentivise your employees to recommend suitable candidates from their networks by offering referral bonuses or other rewards for successful hires.

Seize Top Talent with Compelling Finance and Accounting Job Posts

By applying the invaluable advice within this article, you will be well-equipped to craft finance and accounting job posts that effectively lure top talent and drive successful hiring outcomes. Remember to articulate clear expectations, showcase your company’s unique culture and benefits, and encourage action with a captivating call to action. Leverage social media platforms and industry-specific job boards to ensure maximum exposure among your target audience.

Your People Partners are here to support you throughout this journey. As an experienced recruitment agency, we specialise in helping small to medium sized businesses streamline their hiring processes and secure the right finance and accounting professionals. Join forces with Your People Partners today to elevate your job posts and propel your business towards long-term success by attracting the best talent in the finance and accounting industry.

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Helen Sanders Managing Director and Chief People Partner
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