How to promote good mental health in your business

How to promote good mental health in your business


Promoting mental health for a global workforce is crucial to your business scaled

Are you wondering how you can help promote mental health in your business?

The first step in promoting mental health in the workplace is understanding that everyone has a right to healthy work conditions. As an employer, you can set yourself and your employees up for success by creating and maintaining a positive workplace culture.

This involves practising self-awareness of the strengths and values of both you and your team as well as empathy when problems arise. It also means following guidelines to prevent stress or burnout (something we talk a lot about at YPP), which are often overlooked or ignored but can have major effects on mental health.

If you’re willing to invest in both yourself and your workforce, you’ll see significant improvements in team productivity, work satisfaction, overall wellness—and maybe even more profits.

The global workforce is one of the most important parts of promoting mental health

Global employees are a big part of your business and can be a diverse group, including people from different countries, cultures, genders, and sexual orientations. This is why it’s so important to ensure that you create an inclusive workplace environment where everyone feels welcome.

Identifying strengths and weaknesses in a workforce can help promote mental health

Strengths are things your staff does well, things they excel at, and things they’re good at. For example, if it’s someone’s birthday, you might celebrate by telling them how much of a hard worker they are or how well they juggle tasks.

You can also use this information to promote employees internally within the company by showcasing their accomplishments on social media or through email newsletters that go out to all the employees.

Giving an employee feedback on their weaknesses is important as well. Discussing weaknesses allows an individual to understand where there might be room for improvement so that they don’t feel stuck in a rut with their current job responsibilities; addressing these issues will help them grow as an employee!

Asking questions such as “What would make it easier for you?” or “How do we get past this obstacle?” will help start conversations about what should happen next.

Employees are not to blame for workplace issues that affect their mental health

As a business owner, you can play a large role in promoting mental health in the workplace. First of all, it’s important to remember that employees are not to blame for workplace issues that affect their mental health.

For example: If an employee has a hard time showing up on time due to anxiety or depression, they should not be made to feel guilty about this issue. This is because there are external factors present that contribute to the situation (such as traffic jams). It’s important for business owners and managers alike not only to understand these external factors but also to support them by helping employees find ways around them.

Prevent stress and burnout for a happier, healthier workforce

It’s normal to feel stress in your life. And stress can be a good thing if it motivates you to achieve your goals. But unmanaged stress can lead to burnout, which is when your body has become so depleted that it no longer functions at its best, potentially leading to serious health issues.

It’s important to understand what causes stress in order to manage it properly — both for individuals and companies. Stressors are not always obvious or easy to address directly; they may be environmental factors like weather conditions or social factors such as family relationships that are out of an individual’s control (and thus cannot be directly addressed).

The causes of workplace stress may include:

  • Lack of clarity about expectations from supervisors
  • Long hours without breaks or vacations
  • Conflict between co-workers

Positive workplace culture is necessary for good mental health

It can help reduce stress and burnout, improve productivity, and improve employee retention.

Create a healthy environment

Employees are more likely to be mentally healthy if they have access to natural light or windows in their workspace as well as opportunities for socialisation in the office. Try having lunch together every once in a while! This will also help you build relationships with your employees which helps them feel valued by the company

Value your team members’ contributions!

If you treat your employees as valuable assets instead of expendable resources, it creates an environment where people feel comfortable bringing up problems or concerns without fear of being reprimanded or fired (even if their concerns aren’t directly related to work).

Support your employees and they will support you

You have a huge impact on your employees’ mental health. This is not just an important employee benefit—it’s also a key part of your business strategy. Here are some reasons why:

While this is only the tip of the iceberg, hopefully, these facts and figures help give you more insight into how important promoting mental health in your company can be. At the end of the day, employees are not just a resource for companies—they are people who deserve to have their well-being looked after.

We know that this isn’t always easy, especially with global workforces or when budgets don’t allow for it. But there are still a lot of ways you can support your employees’ mental health by simply fostering an open dialogue about mental health issues and being willing to offer flexible working hours or time off if needed. The benefits will be worth it!

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So, are you ready to start your hiring process with a difference?

If you still need a hand or two, why not have a chat with the team here at Your People Partners? We love helping your business thrive.

Further reading

Last updated: 27th October 22

Applies to: Business Owners​ and Managers

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