job applications

How to ace a Phone Interview like a Pro

How to ace a Phone Interview like a Pro

Are you trying to prepare for an upcoming phone interview but don’t know what to expect? Performing well on a phone interview can help you land the job you want. As unemployment grows, more companies are using phone interviews to screen large pools of qualified candidates. Here are some tips to make a good impression […]

How to Write a Cover Letter

How to write a cover letter

Have you found the perfect job but are feeling a little overwhelmed when it comes to writing a cover letter? Depending on what company you are applying for, a cover letter can be one of the most important parts of your job application. As if job applications aren’t long enough! Having a great cover letter […]

Contacting Companies you want to Work for

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Are you job hunting and wondering if you should be contacting companies you want to work for? Do you know how to or what to say? Searching for a job often starts with looking for who is hiring. Multiple job boards can help you here. You contact others in your network and browse through job vacancy […]