How to Create an Outcome-Based Job Description for Your Marketing Manager

How to Create an Outcome-Based Job Description for Your Marketing Manager


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Are you tired of generic, buzzword-filled job descriptions that fail to attract the right candidates? If so, you’re not alone. Many companies are moving away from traditional job descriptions and opting for outcome-based ones instead. In this article, we’ll show you how to create an outcome-based job description specifically for a marketing manager role.

The Importance of Outcome-Based Job Descriptions

In today’s competitive job market, it’s crucial to stand out from the crowd and attract top talent. Generic job descriptions that list responsibilities and qualifications without clearly defining the desired outcomes can make it challenging to find the right candidate. An outcome-based job description focuses on the results and impacts rather than just the duties and qualifications.

By clearly defining the outcomes, you can attract candidates who are motivated by achieving specific goals and who have a track record of delivering results. An outcome-based job description also allows both the employer and potential candidates to align their expectations, ensuring a mutual understanding of what success looks like in the role.

Understanding the Role of a Marketing Manager

Before creating an outcome-based job description for a marketing manager, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the role. A marketing manager is responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote a company’s products or services. They oversee various marketing initiatives, such as advertising campaigns, social media marketing, content creation, and market research.

A successful marketing manager should have a deep understanding of target audiences, market trends, and industry best practices. They should be proficient in digital marketing techniques, have excellent communication and leadership skills, and be able to analyze data to drive marketing decisions.

Key Elements of an Outcome-Based Job Description

Creating an outcome-based job description involves several key elements that will help attract the right candidates and set them up for success. These elements include defining the desired outcomes, aligning the job description with company goals and objectives, identifying essential skills and qualifications, crafting clear responsibilities and expectations, and incorporating measurable metrics and targets.

Defining the Desired Outcomes for a Marketing Manager

To create an outcome-based job description, you need to define the desired outcomes for the marketing manager role. Instead of focusing solely on tasks and responsibilities, think about the results you want the marketing manager to achieve. For example, you may want them to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive website traffic, or improve customer engagement.

Clearly define these outcomes and communicate them in the job description. This will help potential candidates understand what they will be responsible for and what success looks like in the role. It will also attract candidates who are driven by achieving specific goals and who have a track record of delivering results.

Aligning the Job Description with Company Goals and Objectives

An outcome-based job description should align with your company’s goals and objectives. Consider how the marketing manager role contributes to the overall success of your company.

Are you looking to enter new markets, increase market share, or launch new products?

Make sure the job description reflects these goals and clearly outlines how the marketing manager will contribute to achieving them.

Aligning the job description with company goals and objectives ensures that potential candidates understand the strategic importance of the role. It also helps them visualize how their contributions will directly impact the success of the organization.

Identifying the Essential Skills and Qualifications for a Marketing Manager

In addition to defining the desired outcomes, it’s crucial to identify the essential skills and qualifications for a marketing manager. This includes both hard skills, such as digital marketing proficiency and data analysis, and soft skills, such as leadership and communication.

Consider the specific skills and qualifications required to achieve the desired outcomes. Do you need someone with experience in social media marketing, content creation, or SEO? Are there any certifications or degrees that are essential for the role? Clearly outline these requirements in the job description to attract candidates who possess the necessary skills and qualifications.

Crafting Clear and Concise Job Responsibilities and Expectations

Clarity is key when crafting job responsibilities and expectations in an outcome-based job description. Clearly communicate what the marketing manager will be responsible for on a day-to-day basis and the expectations for achieving the desired outcomes.

Break down the responsibilities into specific tasks and projects, ensuring that they align with the defined outcomes. Be concise and avoid vague language or buzzwords. This will help candidates understand the scope of the role and whether they have the necessary skills and experience to excel in it.

Incorporating Measurable Metrics and Targets into the Job Description

To make the job description truly outcome-based, incorporate measurable metrics and targets. This allows potential candidates to understand how their performance will be evaluated and what specific goals they will be working towards.

For example, if one of the desired outcomes is to increase website traffic, include a specific target, such as “increase website traffic by 20% within the first six months.” This gives candidates a clear understanding of the expectations and allows them to assess their ability to meet those targets.

Examples of Outcome-Based Job Descriptions for Marketing Managers

To further illustrate the concept of outcome-based job descriptions, here are a few examples for marketing manager roles:

Example 1: Increasing Brand Awareness

  • Develop and implement a comprehensive brand awareness strategy to increase brand recognition and reach.
  • Collaborate with the content team to create engaging and shareable content that resonates with the target audience.
  • Track and analyze key brand metrics, such as social media engagement and website traffic, to measure the success of brand awareness initiatives.

Example 2: Generating Leads

  • Create and execute lead generation campaigns across various channels, including email marketing, social media, and content marketing.
  • Optimize landing pages and calls-to-action to maximize conversion rates.
  • Implement lead scoring and lead nurturing strategies to move prospects through the sales funnel.

Example 3: Improving Customer Engagement

  • Develop and implement strategies to improve customer engagement and satisfaction, including customer loyalty programs and personalized marketing campaigns.
  • Monitor and respond to customer feedback and inquiries on social media platforms and review sites.
  • Analyze customer data to identify trends and opportunities for improving customer engagement.

Conclusion: The Power of Outcome-Based Job Descriptions in Attracting and Retaining Top Marketing Talent

Outcome-based job descriptions have the power to attract and retain top marketing talent by clearly defining the desired outcomes, aligning with company goals, identifying essential skills and qualifications, and incorporating measurable metrics and targets.

By focusing on the results and impacts rather than just the responsibilities and qualifications, you can create a job description that resonates with candidates who are driven by achieving specific goals and who have a track record of delivering results. This ensures a mutual understanding of what success looks like in the role and sets your new hire up for success from day one.

Say goodbye to bland job descriptions and hello to outcome-based ones that truly resonate. With these insights and examples, you can create an outstanding job description for your marketing manager position and attract the top marketing talent your company deserves.

If you’re curious about working with a recruiter to hire your next marketing person, however, don’t want to work with traditional recruiters who charge a small fortune, let’s talk. Our flat fee recruitment service is less than £5000 and micro-businesses of ten staff of less, get a discount on that through our micro-business recruitment fee bursary.

Here is your link: Book your call with Helen today.

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Helen Sanders Managing Director and Chief People Partner
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