Building a Strong Company Culture: Everything You Need to Know

Building a Strong Company Culture: Everything You Need to Know


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In today’s competitive business landscape, company culture plays a crucial role in determining the success of an organization. A strong and positive culture not only helps attract and retain top talent but also improves employee engagement and provides a competitive edge in the market.

What exactly is company culture, and why is it so important? How does it impact new hires and existing team members? And what steps can organizations take to foster a corporate culture that drives results?

In this comprehensive guide, we will dive deep into everything you need to know about building a strong company culture and provide actionable tips to help you create an environment where employees can thrive.

What is Company Culture?

Company culture refers to the shared values, attitudes, behaviours, and standards that shape the work environment in an organization. It encompasses the overall experience people have at work and how that experience aligns with the company’s external brand and messaging.

A strong company culture creates an engaging, committed, and exciting work environment for employees, from new hires to the leadership team. It establishes clear expectations on how work is done, why it is important, and how teams should treat each other. Finally, a healthy culture aligns the company’s vision and core values with their manifestation in the workplace.

To better understand how company culture functions, it is helpful to explore the four cornerstone types of company culture identified by business professors Robert E. Quinn and Kim Cameron:

  1. Adhocracy Culture: Also known as the “create culture,” this type of culture promotes innovation and agility, encouraging employees to think outside the box and take risks.
  2. Clan Culture: This highly collaborative culture emphasizes teamwork, with a focus on building strong relationships and fostering a sense of belonging.
  3. Hierarchy Culture: As the name suggests, this culture is structured and follows established roles and processes. It emphasizes stability, efficiency, and adherence to established hierarchies.
  4. Market Culture: This culture is goal-oriented and high-pressure, with a strong focus on achieving results and meeting targets.

Each of these culture types has its own set of core values and can contribute to organizational success depending on the size, structure, and goals of the company. Understanding your company’s existing culture is crucial in determining the desired direction for future growth.

Factors that Contribute to Organizational Culture

Several factors contribute to company culture, shaping the overall work environment and influencing employee experiences. Understanding and managing these factors can help organizations build and maintain a positive and thriving culture. Some key factors include:

How the Organization Treats Employees: How your company treats its employees plays a significant role in defining its culture. Factors such as employee recognition programs, opportunities for growth and development, and fair treatment all contribute to the overall employee experience.

Your Company’s Mission: A strong company mission can influence culture by providing your employees with a shared sense of purpose. It not only helps attract like-minded individuals but also contributes to better business results.

Your Decision-Making Processes: The decision-making norms within a company can impact culture. Organizations that value employee input and seek feedback when making decisions foster a culture of collaboration and inclusion.

Your Company’s Communication Norms: The way people communicate with each other within an organization can shape the culture. Open and friendly communication styles promote strong relationships and collaboration, while more reserved communication styles may limit non-essential interactions.

Your Expectations around Work Style and Volume: The expectations placed on employees regarding work style and volume also contribute to company culture. Factors such as work-life balance, flexibility in work arrangements, and performance expectations shape the overall employee experience.

By understanding and managing these factors, your company can create a culture that aligns with your values and supports the well-being and engagement of your employees.

The Importance of Company Culture

Company culture plays a vital role in the success of your company. It has both short-term and long-term benefits, impacting various aspects of your business.

Here are a few reasons why company culture is so important:

Employee Retention: A strong company culture directly affects employee retention. Studies have shown that employees are more likely to stay with a company that aligns with their values and provides a positive work environment. Companies with a poor culture are more likely to experience higher turnover rates.

Employee Engagement: A positive culture drives employee engagement. Engaged employees are more productive, have lower absenteeism rates, and are more likely to go above and beyond in their roles. A strong culture fosters a sense of purpose and connection, leading to higher levels of engagement.

Employee Growth and Development: A healthy company culture invests in the growth and development of its employees. When employees feel supported and valued, they are more likely to develop new skills, take on new challenges, and contribute to the long-term success of the organization.

Productivity and Performance: A positive work environment contributes to increased productivity. When employees feel motivated, supported, and engaged, they are more likely to perform at their best, leading to improved business outcomes.

On the other hand, a toxic company culture can have detrimental effects on employees, including increased stress levels, decreased engagement, and negative impacts on mental health. Recognizing the importance of company culture and actively working towards fostering a positive environment is crucial for the overall success of an organization.

What Does a Healthy Company Culture Look Like?

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to building a strong company culture, certain elements are typically present in healthy and thriving cultures. These elements include:

Teamwork and Collaboration: A healthy culture promotes teamwork and collaboration, emphasizing the value of collective efforts and encouraging employees to work together towards common goals.

Recognition and Rewards: Recognizing and rewarding employee accomplishments and contributions is an essential part of a healthy culture. Appreciation and acknowledgement motivate employees and foster a positive work environment.

Alignment between Values and Actions: A healthy culture aligns the company’s language, values, and actions. There is consistency between what the company says it values and how those values are manifested in day-to-day operations.

Opportunities for Growth and Development: A strong culture invests in the growth and development of its employees. Providing opportunities for professional growth, training programs, and mentorship initiatives contribute to a culture of continuous learning.

Compensation and Benefits: A healthy culture ensures that employees are fairly compensated and provided with attractive benefits packages. Competitive compensation and benefits contribute to employee satisfaction and retention.

Trust, Transparency, and Accountability: A culture built on trust, transparency, and accountability fosters strong relationships between employees and the leadership team. Clear communication channels and a sense of psychological safety contribute to a positive work environment.

Workplace Flexibility: A healthy culture recognises the importance of work-life balance and offers flexibility in work arrangements. Providing options for remote work, flexible schedules, and accommodating personal needs contribute to a positive employee experience.

Diversity and Inclusion: A strong culture values diversity and promotes inclusivity. Embracing diversity leads to a broader range of perspectives and ideas, fostering creativity and innovation within the company.

By incorporating these elements into your company’s culture, you can create an environment that supports your employee’s well-being, engagement, and long-term success.

Steps to Develop a Strong Company Culture

Developing a strong company culture requires intentional effort and a systematic approach. Here are some steps that organizations can take to build and improve their culture:

Step 1: Define Your Values: The first step in developing a company culture is to define your core values. Sit down with your leadership team and identify the values that are important to your organization. These values will serve as the foundation of your culture and guide decision-making processes.

Step 2: Set Goals: Translate your values into actionable goals. Determine how you want to bring those values to life in your culture. Setting specific and measurable goals helps create a roadmap for building and improving your culture.

Step 3: Seek Employee Feedback: Your employees are the best source of insights when it comes to understanding your company culture. Conduct surveys, hold focus groups, and encourage open communication to gather feedback on the existing culture and insights into what employees desire in their ideal work environment.

Step 4: Work Culture into Daily Experience: Ensure that your company culture is reflected in the day-to-day work experience. Incorporate your values and goals into policies, practices, and communication channels. For example, if work-life balance is important to your culture, establish policies that support flexible work arrangements and encourage employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Step 5: Lead by Example: Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping and reinforcing company culture. Leaders should embody the desired culture and set an example for others to follow. They should demonstrate the values and behaviours that align with the culture and create an environment of trust, respect, and accountability.

Step 6: Recognize and Reward: Implement recognition and reward programs that celebrate and appreciate employee contributions. Recognize employees for their hard work, achievements, and positive behaviours aligned with the company culture. This fosters a sense of appreciation and motivation among employees.

Step 7: Invest in Employee Development: Provide opportunities for professional growth and development. Offer training programs, mentorship initiatives, and continuous learning opportunities to empower employees to reach their full potential.

Step 8: Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Create a culture that values diversity and promotes inclusivity. Foster an environment where all employees feel welcomed, respected, and valued. Implement diversity and inclusion initiatives and ensure equal opportunities for everyone.

Step 9: Regularly Evaluate and Adjust: Regularly evaluate your company culture to identify areas for improvement. Use employee surveys, engagement metrics, and feedback to gauge the effectiveness of your culture initiatives. Adjust your strategies and actions based on the insights gained to continuously improve your culture.

Step 10: Lead with Empathy: Cultivate a culture of empathy and compassion. Demonstrate care and understanding towards your employees’ well-being and personal situations. This creates a supportive and inclusive work environment.

By following these steps, organizations can develop a strong company culture that aligns with their values, promotes employee engagement, and drives positive business outcomes.

Evaluating and Improving Company Culture

Assessing and improving company culture requires a comprehensive approach. Here are some ways to evaluate and enhance your company culture:

Leaders’ Perspective: Ask leaders to describe the company culture and its core values. Their insights provide a top-down perspective on the culture and its alignment with the organization’s goals.

Employees’ Perspective: Gather feedback from employees about their experience working at the company. Conduct surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one interviews to understand their perceptions of the culture and areas for improvement.

Alignment Check: Compare leaders’ descriptions of your culture with employees’ perspectives. Look for alignment between the two to ensure consistency and authenticity in the company’s culture.

Observations and Examples: Observe and document examples of the company’s values in action. Look for instances where the culture is evident in day-to-day workflow, decision-making processes, and employee interactions.

Employee Surveys and Exit Interviews: Review employee surveys and exit interviews to gain insights into their experiences and identify trends or common themes related to the culture.

Employee Engagement and Retention Metrics: Monitor employee engagement and retention metrics to assess the impact of culture on these key indicators. High engagement and retention rates are indicative of a positive culture, while low rates may signal areas for improvement.

To improve your company culture, consider implementing the following strategies:

Appreciation and Recognition: Make appreciation a part of your culture by encouraging managers to acknowledge and thank employees for their contributions. Verbal recognition goes a long way in fostering a positive work environment.

Flexibility: Offer flexibility to employees by providing options for remote work, flexible schedules, and accommodating personal needs. This helps employees achieve work-life balance and promotes a positive culture.

Competitive Compensation and Benefits: Ensure that your compensation and benefits packages are competitive within your industry and region. This demonstrates your commitment to employee well-being and contributes to a positive culture.

Regular Check-ins: Regularly check in with your employees to gather feedback and insights on their work experience. This demonstrates your commitment to their growth and well-being and provides valuable information for improving the culture.

Examples of Companies with Strong Organisational Culture

Several companies are known for their strong and well-defined cultures. Here are a few examples:

Albion Nord: They were found to be one of the best small UK companies to work for in 2023 for companies of 10-49 staff by the Sunday Times Best Places to Work For.

DeskLodge: Another winner in the Sunday Times Best Place to Work for 2023, where the Bristol and Reading-based team are one of the best in terms of company culture.

Re-Flow: This tech company with less than 50 employees has also been recognised in 2023 by the Sunday Times, and it is all down to their brilliant company culture.

These companies prioritise employee well-being, development, community, and growth and provide an environment where their employees can thrive.


Building a strong company culture is essential for all companies seeking long-term success, regardless of the team size. By defining values, setting goals, seeking employee feedback, and actively working to incorporate culture into the day-to-day work experience, companies can create a positive environment where employees feel engaged, supported, and motivated.

Recognising the importance of company culture and implementing strategies to improve it leads to higher employee retention, increased engagement, and improved business outcomes. By following the steps outlined in this guide and learning from successful companies with strong cultures, organizations can create a culture that attracts top talent, fosters growth and drives overall success.

We’d love to help you add new team members who will add to your company culture.

Schedule a meeting with Helen Sanders, MD here at Your People Partners.

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Helen Sanders Managing Director and Chief People Partner
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